Teleflora's Lily Sunshine

When it comes to spring flowers, the lily reigns supreme. It's easy to see why in this gorgeous bouquet of bright yellow blooms. A fabulous bouquet of yellow asiatic lilies, salal and seeded eucalyptus are delivered in a divine bunch vase.
Approximately 16 1/4" W x 20 1/4" H
A substitution of equal value can happen in some cases if the vase or flower types are not available in the delivery region. An additional fee might be necessary in the case of remote deliveries or special request, as described in our Delivery section. If this happens, you will be informed in advance by email for approval.
Available in 3 sizes :
Charming (tel qu'illustré): T52-3A
Ravishing: T52-3B
Magnificient: T52-3C
CAD $59.95