Teleflora's Heavenly & Harmony

A gift like this one is always appreciated. An eye-catching display of roses and lilies is perfectly arranged in a feminine vase which makes a beautiful and lasting impression. Elegant white roses and sweet pink asiatic lilies are hand-arranged with greens. It's the perfect way to show you love her always and forever.
Approximately 10" W x 18" H
A substitution of equal value can happen in some cases if the vase or flower types are not available in the delivery region. An additional fee might be necessary in the case of remote deliveries or special request, as described in our Delivery section. If this happens, you will be informed in advance by email for approval.
Available in 3 sizes :
Charming (tel qu'illustré): T8-1A
Ravishing: T8-1B
Magnificient: T8-1C
CAD $96.95